¿Existe, sobre toda la superficie terrestre, un cantante menos entrópìco y pynchoniano que Knoffler? ¿Existe, más allá de los tiempos, alguien con menos afinidades que el bueno de Mason o el memorable Dixon? ¿No es una paradoja fantástica que sea Knoffler, nada menos que Knoffler?
Hey... Somehow I landed on your blog when scowering the net for hot kiss related information, and your post grabbed me so I stopped to read. Now I'm glad I found you because I'm trying to improve my site about hot kiss (don't blush :) and your blog here gave me some excellent ideas. You are a quality blogger and I'm learning some good stuff by being here.
Keep your rhythm and good content flowin ~ and good job thanks.
¿Existe, sobre toda la superficie terrestre, un cantante menos entrópìco y pynchoniano que Knoffler? ¿Existe, más allá de los tiempos, alguien con menos afinidades que el bueno de Mason o el memorable Dixon? ¿No es una paradoja fantástica que sea Knoffler, nada menos que Knoffler?
By Anónimo, at 2:59 a. m.
Somehow I landed on your blog when scowering the net for hot kiss related information, and your post grabbed me so I stopped to read. Now I'm glad I found you because I'm trying to improve my site about hot kiss (don't blush :) and your blog here gave me some excellent ideas. You are a quality blogger and I'm learning some good stuff by being here.
Keep your rhythm and good content flowin ~ and good job thanks.
By Anónimo, at 9:14 a. m.
Good comments. But, I do not agree with most of them. People sure have a lot of time on their hands.
By Anónimo, at 12:56 a. m.
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